Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hear the Words of God Today


  1. Proverbs 1-7:
    To have knowledge, you must first have reverence for the Lord

  2. Proverbs 2-11 to 12
    Son, when the Lord corrects you pay close attention and take it as a warning. The Lord corrects those he loves, as a father corrects a son whom he is proud.

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  4. Proverbs 3:77
    Trust in the Lord with all your hearts. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do. And he will show you the right way."

  5. Proverbs 4-1
    Sons, listen to what your father teaches you. Pay attention and you will have understanding.

  6. Warning about adultery
    Proverbs chapter 5: 3 to 6
    The lips of another man's wife may be as sweet as honey and her kisses as smooth as olive oil, but when it is all over, she leaves you nothing but bitterness and pain. She will take you down to the world of the dead, the road she walks is the road to death. She does not stay on the road to life, but wanders off, and does not realize what is happening.

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  8. Proverbs Chapter 6-1:

    There are seven things that God hates and can not tolerate:
    A proud look;
    A lying tongue;
    A hand that kills innocent people;
    A mind that thinks wicked plans;
    Feet that hurry off to do evil;
    A witness who tells one lies after the other;
    And a man who stirs up trouble among friends.

  9. Proverbs 7-1

    Treat wisdom as your sister and insight as your closest friend.

  10. More About Wisdom
    Proverbs 8-35 to 36:

    The man who finds me finds life;
    And the Lord will be pleased with him.
    The man who does not finds me hurts himself;
    Anyone who hates me loves death."

  11. Proverbss 9-10

    To be wise, you must first have reverence for the Lord. Wisdom will add years to your life. You are the one who will profit if you have wisdom, and if you reject it, you are the one who will suffer."

  12. Proverbs 10-17:

    People who listen when they are corrected will live, but those who will not admit that they are wrong are in danger."

  13. Proverbs 11-7
    The Lord is righteous and loves good deeds;
    Those who do them will live in his presence

  14. Proberbs 12-5
    The promise of the Lord can be trusted;
    They are genuine as silver, refined seven times in the furnace.

  15. Proverbs 113-8
    A rich man has to use his money to save his life, but no one threatens a poor man.

  16. Proverbs 14-1
    Homes are made by the wisdom of woman, but are destroyed by foolishness.

  17. Proverbs 15-1:
    A gentle answers quiet anger, but harsh one stirs it up.

  18. Proverbs 16-8:
    It is better to have a little, honestly earned, than to have a large income dishonestly earned

  19. Proverbs 17-5:
    If you make fun of the poor people, you insult the God tha made them. You will be punished if you take pleasure in someones misfortunes.

  20. Proverbs 18-14:
    Your will to live can sustain you when you are sick, but if you lose it, your last hope is gone.

  21. Proverbs 20-7:
    Children are fortunate if they have a father who is honest and does what is right.

  22. Proverbs 21-6:
    The riches you get dishonestly will soon disappear, but not before they lead you into the jaws of death.

  23. Proverbs 22-4:
    Have reverence forthe Lord and you will get riches, honor and a long life

  24. Proverbs 23-9:
    Do not try to talk sense to a fool, he can not appreciate it.

  25. Proverbs 25-9:
    If you and your neighbors have difference of opinion settle it between yourselves, and do not reveal any secrets. otherwise everyone will learn that you can't keep a secret and will never live down the shame

  26. Proverbs 26-20:
    Without wood, a fire goes out, without a gossip, quarreling stops.

  27. Proverbs 27-1:
    Never boast about tomorrow. Yu don't know what will happenbetween now and then.

  28. Proverbs 28-7:
    A young man who obeys the law is intelligent. One who makes friend with good for nothing is a disgrace to his father.

  29. Proverbs 29:12:
    If a ruler pay attnetion to falls information, all his officials will be liars.

  30. Proverbs 30:4
    There are four animals in the world that are small, but very, very clever:
    1., Ants: they are small, but they store up their food in the summer.
    2. Rockbadgers: they are not strong either, but they make their homes among the rocks,
    3. Locusts: They have no kings, but they move in formations,
    4.Lizards: you can hold one in your hand, but you can find them in palaces.

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    1. Proverbs 31-1
      Speak up for people who can not speak for themselves. Protects the rights of all those who are helpless, Protect the rights of the poor and the needy.

  32. It should be Proverbs 31, verse 8 to 9
